Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ibuku Pembohong

Berikut adalah email from Shamsul Johari. Ada baiknya di kongsi bersama:


Ibuku Pembohong

Memang sukar untuk orang lain percaya,tapi itulah yang berlaku. Ibu saya memang seorang pembohong!! Sepanjang ingatan saya sekurang-kurangnya 8 kali ibu membohongi saya. Saya perlu catatkan segala pembohongan itu untuk dijadikan renungan anda sekalian.

Cerita ini bermula ketika saya masih kecil. Saya lahir sebagai seorang anak lelaki dalam sebuah keluarga miskin. Makan minum serba kekurangan. Kami sering kelaparan. Adakalanya, selama beberapa hari kami terpaksa makan berlaukkan ikan masin dikongsi satu keluarga.
Sebagai anak yang masih kecil, saya sering saja merungut. Saya menangis mahukan nasi dan lauk yang banyak. Tapi ibu cepat memujuk. Ketika makan, ibu sering membahagikan bahagian nasinya untuk saya. Sambil memindahkan nasi ke mangkuk saya, ibu berkata : ""Makanlah nak ibu tak lapar." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG PERTAMA.

Ketika saya mulai besar ibu yang gigih sering meluangkan watu senggangnya untuk pergi memancing di tali air berhampiran rumah. Ibu berharap dari ikan hasil pancingan itu dapat memberikan sedikit makanan untuk membesarkan kami adik-beradik.

Pulang dari memancing, ibu memasak gulai ikan yang segar dan mengundang selera. Sewaktu saya memakan gulai ikan itu ibu duduk disamping kami dan memakan sisa daging ikan yang masih menempel di tulang daripada bekas sisa ikan yang saya makan tadi..

Saya sedih melihat ibu seperti itu.. Hati saya tersentuh lalu dengan menggunakan sudu saya memberikan ikan itu kepada ibu. Tetapi ibu dengan cepat menolaknya. Ibu berkata : "Makanlah nak, ibu tak suka makan ikan." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KEDUA.

Di usia awal remaja, saya masuk sekolah menengah. Ibu pergi ke kedai dengan membawa sejumlah penyapu lidi dan kuih-muih untuk menyara persekolahan saya,abang dan kakak.
Suatu dinihari lebih kurang pukul 1.30 pagi saya terjaga dari tidur. Saya melihat ibu membuat kuih denagn beremankan sebuah pelita di hadapannya. Beberapa kali saya melihat kepala ibu terhangguk kerana mengantuk. Saya berkata : "Ibu, tidurlah, esok pagi ibu kena pergi kebun pula." Ibu tersenyum dan berkata : "Cepatlah tidur nak, ibu belum mengantuk lagi." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KETIGA.

Di hujung musim persekolahan, ibu meminta cuti kerja supaya dapat menemani saya pergi ke sekolah untuk menduduki peperiksaan penting. Ketika hari sudah siang, terik panas matahari mulai menyinari, ibu terus sabar menunggu saya di luar dewan. Ibu seringkali saja tersenyum dan mulutnya terkumat-kamit berdoa kepada Illahi agar saya lulus ujian peperiksaan ini dengan cemerlang.

Ketika loceng berbunyi menandakan ujian sudah selesai, ibu dengan segera menyambut saya dan menuangkan kopi yang sudah disiapkan dalam botol yang dibawanya. Kopi yang kental itu tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan kasih saying ibu yang jauh lebih kental.
Melihat tubuh ibu yang dibasahi peluh, saya segera memberikan cawan saya itu kepada ibu dan menyuruhnya minum. Tapi ibu cepat-cepat menolaknya dan berkata : "Minumlah nak, ibu tak haus!!" – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KEEMPAT.

Setelah pemergian ayah kerana sakit, iaitu selepas saya baru beberapa bulan dilahirkan, ibulah yang mengambil tugas sebagai ayah kepada kami sekeluarga. Ibu bekerja mengambil upah di kebun, membuat penyapu lidi dan menjual kuih-muih agar kami tidak kelaparan.
Tapi apalah sangat kudrat seorang ibu. Kehidupan keluarga kami semakin susah dan susah. Melihat keadaan keluarga yang semakin parah, seorang pakcik yang baik hati dan tinggal berjiran dengan kami, datang untuk membantu ibu. Anehnya, ibu menolak bantuan itu.
Jiran-jiran sering kali menasihati ibu supaya menikah lagi agar ada seorang lelaki yang akan menjaga dan mencarikan wang untuk kami sekeluarga. Tetapi ibu yang keras hatinya tidak mengendahkan nasihat mereka. Ibu berkata : "Saya tidak perlukan cinta saya tidak perlukan lelaki." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KELIMA.

Setelah kakak dan abang habis belajar dan mula bekerja, ibu sudah pun tua. Kakak dan abang menyuruh ibu supaya berehat sahaja di rumah. Tidak payahlah lagi bersusah payah dan bersengkang mata untuk mencari duit. Tetapi ibu tidak mahu. Ibu rela pergi ke pasar setiap pagi menjual sedikit sayur untuk memenuhi keperluan hidupnya.

Kakak dan abang yang bekerja jauh di kota besar sering mengirimkan wang untuk membantu memenuhi keperluan ibu, pun begitu ibu tetap berkeras tidak mahu menerima wang tersebut. Malahan ibu mengirim balik wang itu dan ibu berkata : "Jangan susah-susah, ibu ada duit." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KEENAM.

Setelah tamat pengajian di universiti, saya melanjutkan lagi pelajaran ke peringkat sarjana di luar Negara. Pengajian saya di sana dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh sebuah syarikat besar. Sarjana itu saya sudahi dengan cemerlang,kemudian saya pun bekerja dengan syarikat yang telah membiayai pengajian saya juga di luar negara.

Dengan gaji yang agak lumayan, saya berhajat membawa ibu untuk menikmati penghujung hidupnya di luar negara. Pada pandangan saya, ibu sudah puas bersusah payah untuk kami. Hampir seluruh hidupnya habis dengan penderitaan, eloklah kalau hari-hari tuanya ini ibu habiskan dengan keceriaan dan keindahan pula.

Tetapi ibu yang baik hati, menolak ajakan saya. Ibu tidak mahu menyusahkan anaknya ini dengan berkata ; "Tak payahlah, ibu tak biasa tinggal di negara orang." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KETUJUH.

Beberapa tahun berlalu, ibu semakin tua.. Suatu malam saya menerima berita ibu diserang penyakit kanser. Ibu mesti dibedah secepat mungkin Saya yang ketika itu berada jauh diseberang samudera terus segera pulang untuk menjenguk ibunda tercinta.

Saya melihat ibu terbaring lemah di katil hospital setelah menjalani pembedahan. Ibu yang kelihatan sangat tua, menatap ajah saya dengan penuh kerinduan. Ibu menhadiahkan saya sebuah senyuman biarpun agak kaku kerana terpaksa menahan sakit yang menjalari setiap inci tubuhnya.. Saya dapat melihat dengan jelas betapa penyakit itu telah memamah tubuh ibu sehingga ibu menjadi terlalu lemah dan kurus.

Saya menatap wajah ibu sambil berlinangan air mata. Saya cium tangan ibu kemudian saya kecup pula pipi dan dahinya. Di saat itu hati saya terlalu pedih, sakit sekali melihat ibu dalam keadaan seperti ini. Tetapi ibu tetap tersenyum dan berkata : "Jangan menangis nak, ibu tak sakit." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KELAPAN

Anda bertuah kerana masih mempunyai ibu dan ayah. Anda boleh memeluk dan menciumnya. Kalau ibu anda jauh dari mata, anda boleh menelefonnya sekarang, dan berkata, 'Ibu,saya sayangkan ibu.' Tapi tidak saya. Sehingga kini saya diburu rasa bersalah yang amat sangat kerana biarpun saya mengasihi ibu lebi dari segala-galanya, tapi tidak pernah sealipun saya membisikkan kata-kata itu ke telinga ibu. Ibu, maafkan saya. Saya sayangkan ibu…

Friday, April 18, 2008

PM umum bayar "Ganti Rugi" kepada Tun Salleh Abbas dan 5 bekas Hakim Mahkamah Agung

The Star Online, 17/04/2008

It was a dinner for lawyers and friends, graced by former judges, and the guest of honour was the Prime Minister.

Turning to former Lord President Tun Salleh Abas, Tan Sri Tan Sri Azmi Kamaruddin, Datuk George Seah, the families of the late Tan Sri Wan Suleiman Pawan Teh and Tan Sri Eusoffe Abdoolcader - the Prime Minister said, the Government wanted to recognise “their commitment towards upholding justice and to acknowledge the pain and loss they have endured.”

“For me and for many other Malaysians, these towering judicial personalities represent a very different era for the nation’s judiciary. Many feel that the judiciary then was a venerable institution that could be trusted to deliver justice. “Some even hailed Malaysia’s judiciary as a model for other countries – independent and credible."

Abdullah also announced goodwill ex gratia payments to the six sacked judges and their surviving families as recognition of their contribution, but quickly added:

“I do not presume to equate your contributions, pain and loss with mere currency, but I hope that you can accept this as a heartfelt and sincere gesture to mend what has been.”

At the end of his speech entitled Delivering Justice, Renewing Trust, Abdullah was given a standing ovation. Among those who got off his seat first was Salleh, who shook the Prime Minister’s hand warmly as he got down from the stage.

Read more here from The Star Online: Justice was Served, PM Announce Judiciary Reforms


p/s: Pak Lah, we salute you. I still remember my late father was cried on listening to the news that Tun Salleh was sacked 20 years ago and I couldn't comprehend why he was so emotional then. When he bought us a book, written by Tun Salleh titled "Singa di bawah tahta dijerat/ May Day For Justice", then only I understand how daring is our Ex-PM to be in control of everything.

Just now on TV2 Midnite news, Tun Salleh Said to the reporters "..Thank God, He had answered my prayer".

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Xmanjung Mini Re Union

Khamis lepas jumpa Amir Maybank kat Subang Jaya Pelita. Dia cadangkan antara lain aktiviti sukan (bulanan) seperti Futsal, Snooker, Badminton or golf atau ape2 aje to establish mini reunion.

We can start at Cheras Challanger Sport Center.

I said no problem we can do that. Kalu ada minimum 4 orang yang bagi komitment, ini sudah jadi satu permulaan yang baik.

Ok, now let me know which sport you guys would like to start with ?

Before this I spoke to Shamjo. Dia kata nak ajak pi program "gas" (dakwah) tabligh. I dont mind ...boleh gak. I told him just let me know, insyallah I can go.

Plan untuk Scuba diving sebelum ni kat Pulau (?) tempat Penakan tangkap ikan, belum dapat set lagi. Harap maaf.

Please quickly give me the indication for the above.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

“Wang ehsan” model for Pakatan-controlled states?

The Star carries an alarming report today, the latest in developments which suggest that the BN-controlled Federal Government is looking into alternative models to by-pass the state governments in allocating federal funds to the various Pakatan Rakyat model states.

Federal Govt mulling over project mechanism in Pakatan states

JITRA: The Government is seeking a suitable mechanism to ensure the smooth implementation of federal projects in Pakatan Rakyat-held states, said Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum.

Mohd Johari, who said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had appointed him to monitor the implementation of these projects, said the Government wanted the people to receive the benefits.

Mohd Johari, who is Kubang Pasu MP, said the Prime Minister’s Department was studying the mechanism used in Sabah, Kelantan and Terengganu to be implemented in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor.

“So far, we have found that the mechanism used in Terengganu is the most suitable for these states. However, we need to improve on the mechanism,” he told reporters at a thanksgiving feast organised by him and Bukit Kayu Hitam assemblyman Datuk Mohd Zaini Japar.

Mohd Johari also said the department would re-structure the village development and security committees in Kedah so that they could continue to give their services to the people.

He said they would receive allowances from the federal government in the same way that they received the allowance when Barisan Nasional ruled Kedah.


Monday, April 7, 2008

2 Party System - Good for Voters

Kindly share your views. I agree to this idea. Now let us set the national political agenda instead of the politician themselves.


Quoting Raja Petra....

"No, our mission should not be to see the destruction of Barisan Nasional. Our mission should be to see the strengthening of Pakatan Rakyat and the emergence of a two-party system in Malaysia. Let these two parties be matching in strength. We do not want to remove one dictator just to replace it with another. We want to see two equally capable parties so that we can rotate the government between one and the other every two terms or so."

"Competition is good. Two equally strong and equally capable parties will fight for our attention and for our votes. That can only work in our favour. And that can only be achieved when Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat are neck to neck and head to head. Then we can try one party for two or three terms and then give the other party the government for two or three terms. When that happens the people will really be the boss and the government our slave."

Sufiah Yusof - Power Quotes

A case study....


“I have studied so intensely for so many years, I wanted to have some fun,” said Sufiah, whose Pakistani father Farooq Yusof forced her to study day and night.

“As I grew older, I began to clash with my father. He was violent at times. He pushed me so far academically, I became more confident for any girl my age. I grew up too quickly.

“Oxford was an amazing place but I was too young. By the time I was 15, I wanted to be in control of my life. I fought back,” she said.

“I hate this stereotype society has of escorts as being exploited. It is so far from the truth. My clients treat me like a princess. One guy took me shopping on Bond Street. He bought me a beautiful black Gucci dress for £300 (RM1,920) and then took me to Selfridges, where I could pick a handbag I liked.”

“I don’t believe my education had been wasted – in fact, I usually take problem sheets with me to solve before appointments,” she said.

“Now, I wonder if I could go back to a normal relationship, where you watch EastEnders and have boring sex. I’ve gotten used to being treated like a princess,” she said.

“I have never felt so confident about my body and I’ve had some of the best sex of my life,” she said.

Sufiah’s sex job shocks ex-husband

A case study......

Monday, April 07, 2008

KUALA LUMPUR: Sufiah Yusof’s ex-husband Jonathan Marshall has expressed sadness and complete shock over the one-time child prodigy selling herself for £130 (RM829) per hour.

Britain's Daily Telegraph quoted him as saying: “I am completely shocked. It’s very sad, actually. It’s very shocking that someone can use himself or herself in such a way.”

“I can’t fathom why she would do it – especially someone in her situation. Despite the problems with her family she had many advantages, which other people don’t have,” he said.

“It’s a particular shock – her coming from a Muslim background. To see pictures of somebody doing that – somebody I knew very closely – it makes me think, how did she get to that stage. Quite frankly she knows well enough what she should and should not do.”

Happier days: Sufiah sitting between her parents and posing for a photo with her family members in a 1997 file photo. Sufiah, who is now 23, was admitted to Oxford University in Britain at the age of 13.

“Genius on the game,” a newspaper had announced on Sunday.

“For sad Sufiah the daily equation she has to solve is simply sex equals £130.”

Britain’s News of the World on Sunday went on to relate how Sufiah, admitted to Oxford University at the age of 13, had taken to hiring herself out over the Internet as a prostitute – or “Asian escort” as she termed it – at the rate of £130 per hour.

Estranged from her family, she had adopted the working name of Shilpa Lee and set up shop in a backstreet flat in Salford, Manchester.

Marshall went on to say: “My view is that people can blame childhood to a certain extent, but there also comes a point where you have to take responsibility for your own actions.

“She had her advantages: she had someone willing to support her while she was at university. One newspaper told me that it had offered a substantial amount for her story. Personally, I’d rather sell my story than sell myself.”

The two fell in love and married in 2004. Marshall, a law student, had already converted to Islam. He was 24 and she was 19. The marriage lasted less than two years.

“The reason we split was that I became more observant and Sufiah became less so,” The Daily Telegraph quoted Marshall as saying.

“That took her in the wrong direction, away from the direction in which I wanted to go. The teachings of Islam are fundamental to your everyday life, so when paths diverge in that respect it is a major issue.”

Marshall, speaking yesterday from Saudi Arabia where he works for a leading firm of City solicitors, told The Daily Telegraph that Sufiah was confused.

“She didn’t know quite what she wanted. She wasn’t ready to settle down. Basically, she wanted to be a student,” he said.

“She wasn’t particularly extrovert. She wasn’t a difficult person to live with. We simply had different goals, different ideas of where we wanted to be. There were, to my knowledge, no affairs or anything. I never considered such a thing, simply because of the religious basis of our marriage.”

He added that there was little contact between Sufiah and her family in her final year at Oxford, but some bridges were mended when family members attended the couple’s Islamic wedding ceremony.

He did not gain the impression during the marriage that Sufiah had been subjected to physical abuse by her father as a child. Psychological abuse was another matter.

Sufiah completed her course but failed to take her final exams, ostensibly because of her health.

When Marshall secured a job with one of the “magic circle” law firms, the couple moved to London and then, briefly, to Singapore.

It was there that they decided to split. On returning to London, Sufiah was admitted to London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies to read economics.

Despite their split in August 2005, Marshall supported her for eight months before taking up a job with his firm in Saudi Arabia. He has remarried and has two children.

“We agreed that I would assist her for a specific time,” Marshall, who has not been in contact with his former wife, told The Daily Telegraph.

“I felt a moral obligation to help her out while she was still at university. She wanted to concentrate on university and I agreed she should.

“I really do hope she manages to get her life back together. She was obviously very able, and it’s sad that she is not able to use that talent.”

The Daily Telegraph also reported that the expose was the final straw for Sufiah’s mother, Halimahton, a devout Muslim.

Yesterday, she left the family home in Coventry to arrange her divorce from her husband Farooq.

The couple’s marriage was already under intolerable strain following his guilty plea last week on charges of indecently assaulting two 15-year-old girls while working as a personal tutor.

Farooq, 50, was sentenced to 18 months’ jail.