Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Ada tengok iklan kopi Lasindah..aa?

M Rajoli. Tagline dia "KUAT LE PULOK" (Sila baca dengan loghat Kelate atau Ganu)


Satu ceramah Kesihatan Tuan akan diadakan pada 27/7/2007 - Jumaat Lusa

  • Masa: 230 - 430
  • Tempat: Auditorium Tingkat 13, Bangunan LPPKN Jalan Raja Laut (Depan Pejabat MARA), KL
  • Penceramah: Dr. Mohd Ismail Tambi

Kepada sesiapa yang ada masalah PADAM atau hampir PADAM (atau malap sikit) atau ingin mengelakkan dari masalah PADAM, atau nak tahu masalah PADAM, silalah datang pada masa/tempat seperti diatas.

Terbuka kepada TUAN dan PUAN.

Sekian harap maklum.


Anonymous said...

nak gi gak dengor ni...nak tanye .kolo dah nyale , susoh benor nak padam...camne...

Anonymous said...

Nak lekas padam senang je...pegi potong pendek kan sikit sumbu nye!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

..Jiros je ayor paneh, elok le layunya..

Anonymous said...

kolo dah jiruih dengan ayor paneh alamat dengan tuan2 nye padam...

Anonymous said...

Androgen deficiency

Androgen deficiency in men means the body has lower than normal amounts of male hormones, including testosterone. This deficiency may be caused by problems in the brain signals to the testes or problems in the testes. Treatment involves testosterone replacement therapy. Androgen deficiency is sometimes called ‘male menopause’ but this is misleading.

Anonymous said...

Symptoms of androgen deficiency

When there is not enough testosterone circulating in the body, it can cause a wide range of symptoms. However a number of these symptoms may be non-specific and can mimic the symptoms of other diseases and conditions.

Some of the symptoms of androgen deficiency include:

* Reduced sexual desire
* Hot flushes and sweating
* Breast development (gynaecomastia)
* Lethargy and fatigue
* Depression
* Reduced muscle mass and strength
* Increased body fat, particularly around the abdomen
* Weaker erections and orgasms
* Reduced amount of ejaculate
* Body hair loss
* Increase in ‘bad’ blood cholesterol (low density lipoproteins) and associated drop in ‘good’ blood cholesterol (high density lipoproteins)
* Reduced bone mass, increased risk of osteoporosis.

Anonymous said...

One of the PADAM symptom is "Body hair loss".

Fakta di atas ini ada musykil sikit, sebab kekawan aku yang tak berapa ada rambut ni makin "galak" nampaknya...

Live begin at 40 le katakan.

Anonymous said...

Untuk makluman, di hujung ceramah, Dr Ismail Tambi ada jual remedy untuk lelaki bermasaalah.

(Ada kawan dah cuba, 8 jam terpacak katanya..)

Tak berani teman nak beli..tapi kalu sape nak order bole SMS kat teman.