This blog is dedicated for the discussion, management and dissemination of information pertaining to Ex-ITM Manjung Socioeconomics Activity
Monday, June 4, 2007
Assalamualaikum w.b.t... Well, The Grand Reunion was indeed GRAND! It was the biggest and grandest of the 3 reunions held so far (the inaugural was at Seri Malaysia, Ipoh before the new millenium and the 2nd was at Cinta Sayang Resort, Sungai Petani, Kedah in 2003, mostly attended by males only (that was then Tuan Mat Ros's talent was "discovered"!) Congratulations to the organising committee and without your tireless effort, it would never have happened..Hope that we can repeat the event again, maybe once every 2-3 years and see each other.. Anyway, the highlights of the Reunion (to me at least..) 1)Futsal game in the evening-pity Meor Palam and Ustaz Suwardi weren't around.. 2)Dinner-delicious! Moreover, most people were already hugry like a wolf (with the exception of Rosaidi...hungry like an elephant..) 3) Karaoke..Tak sangka Jay Boroi berbakat besar (Tapi sorila Jay, Akademi Fantasia participant only limited to those below 30...) 4) usual,a latecomer!! Pssst, he himself asked Chairman to annouce "Atas permintaan ramai..." Another thing, X7 forgot to give a short speech to thanked us for making him popular & famous in the blog.. 5) Mr & Miss Maintain..X7 have a chance to win in the next Reunion as the candidate must be 'maintain' from current Reunion..So, don't go for a diet...
Teman rasa terharu jugak bila dapat berjumpa member2 lama yang jarang2 sekali berhubung....
Rasanya masa perjumpaan begitu pendek dan agak terlalu terhad untuk berkenal mesra dan bertanya khabar perkembangan dan perjalanan hidup yang hanya baru lanjut selama 20 tahun.
Teman berharap kita dapat teruskan aktiviti2 yang sihat ini dengan beberapa cadangan baru dan budget yang lebih selesa.
Kepada AJK ReUNION 2007 dan backbenchers, SJ - You Rock! Samdol - I also love all the girls too. Ashraf - bila boleh belajo pukulan ceduk? Meor G – ada tokoh politician. Norlis, Salmah Yahya & Shidah - taun depan boleh ikut teman lagi. SAC Mat Rose – forensic accounting mike mana? Bond - bole le sponsor tempat kenduri kawin pulak! Yati (Towkey N. Lemak) - memang sedap sehingga menjilat jari!
Dan pada member2 yang hidup & hadir...... WA CAYA SAMA LU, beb!
rais, dah cukup korum tu 1 + 3(norlis, salmah & shida)
congratulations kat ajk yang organise reunion, hopefully the next one must be grandieur and suggest that to arrange a 3D and 2N stay
to chu & family, congrats sebab bakat terpendam semua tercurah malam tu
hopefully all those who did not manage to attend the grand reunion especially girls, please do join us if the reunion are to be held again somewhere in 2-3 years time
ashraf kalau ada gambar yang lain upload le lagi, this blog has been sort of like a diary and album cos its really ease us from our work pressure
Thank you and congratulation to the organising committee. Tanpa usaha U all GRAND Reunion ni tak kan berjaya. Anyway, memang tak cukup 1 hari berjumpa. To Leez, Rezeki nak jadi millionair jangan ditolak.... To Ani, Tahniah.... tak payah berdiet, boleh kurus.
Assalamua'laikum semua, Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar. Tapi letih dia sampai hari ni terasa, walau macamanapun masih tersenyum sebab semua geng dapat enjoy walaupun dalam kesuntukan masa. Insya Allah the next reunion kita plan more than a day dan dengan budget yang lebih sempurna. Kalau ada terkurang sana dan sini jutaan kemaafan dipohon dan dijadikan panduan for the next reunion. Try to get those yang we didn't manage to contact yet and war-war lah kepada mereka tentang kehadiran blog ini. Soon we will rearrange this blog and fully utilise for whatever purpose deems fit. Wasallam.
assalamualaikum wbt 2 all.. Congratulations to all of us 4 making it happen. Chik u r right, 3D2N baru ok. To chik & fisah - amboi2 Rais - bila kita nak crack our head 4 d slogan X7 - x nak jadi millionaire gak ke? Are Lee - Awat u tak habaq kat i pasai reunion kat SP.
dengaq cerita ada juga guys yang masih solo, chik nak padan-padankan, tolong bina masjid. Yang solo 3 atau 2, kena ada wawasan jadi milionare dulu le macam rais, cepat join contest 1 juta as suggested by him !! leez ok le tu !!
A'kum semua... To penganjur/urusetia Grand Reunion, thanks so much for yr great effort n most happening reunion so far. To sdr Ashraf (blog organiser), yr iniciative r so great. To all friends, yr contributions towards this occasion r much appreciated n keep it up for our next reunion.... Last but not least, ampun n maaf sekiranya trkasar prbuatan n kata2 yg kurang mnyenangkan. Smoga silaturrahim kita akan brpnjangan n dirahmati Allah swt.
Those who have problems regarding commercial crime cases such as cheating, CBT, loan-shark (along), pyramid scheme, etc, pls do contact me, or maybe we can share it among our friends.
Assalamualaikum wbt. Congrats. to all yg attended the grand is indeed an opportunity to jumpa balik after all these years..semestinya banyak perubahan..tak kurang juga yang masih maintained..kudos pada organising comm. yang banyak berkorban ( masa dan bil telefon utk calling2 macam mr. chairman sebut ) Turnout from the boys oustanding...our girls ajer yang kurang time hopefully ada improvement..Everybody enjoyed themselves..
Teman sokong sgt diadakan reunion 2-3 thn sekali. Tptnya, biarlah brlainan. Kpd yg langsung xde masa nk attend tu, fkr lah balik effort yg ditunjukkan oleh committee. Solute to them....
Assalamualaikum w.b.t Tahniah & Syabas untuk semua yg menjayakan reunion kali ini...Dalam masa kita bergembira, ada juga kengkawan yg kurang bernasib baik..dah hampir 2 tahun tak bekerja (Zul Sakit)..H/phone pun dah tak ade..Semalam dia ada talipon bertanyakan khabar kengkawan yg datang reunion...dan pesannye "kalau ada kerja kosong bagitau lah dia"..Untuk hubungi Zul, bolehlah contact saya...HULURKAN BANTUAN, RINGANKAN BEBAN....
kali ni Reunion xmanjung mmg menakjubkan! & boleh dikatakan semperona le sangaaat... tp kalo lbh ramai yg hadir lg terangkat!!! chu ada satu cadangan, apa kata kalo kita buat trip melancong ke Indonesia ke Bangkok atau Langkawi setidak2nya amacam? -chu-
Zul and his wife tak de pekerjaan tetap buat masa ni.
Menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk bantu apa yang termampu.
Apa kata kita collect RM10/ seorang Sapa nak bagi lebih, dipersilakan. Tajul, give us your Account No., preferably Maybank.
For her wife I would suggest somebody get in touch with Yati so that she can learn with Yati how to jual nasi lemak (cadangan) as a temporary mean of income.
51:19 And in their wealth and possessions (they do remember) the right of the (needy,) him who asked, and him who (for some reason) was prevented (from asking).
Chu...cerita pase melancung nih!! orong gomen boleh le..gaji nak naik bulan Julai..
Tajul..saya rasa orang belah utara yang dekat dengan Zul Sakit boleh le tolong-tolong tengokkan welfare dia & family ..Sham Nana, Hang (Tajul), Tok Lee, Bad, Jay, Shamsuri, Shaikh, Penakan dan lain-lain..Myself setuju dgn cadangan saudara ashraf..for the starts RM50 from me ...let we have Zul Sakit account number ASAP..
I've spoken to Zul using Tajul phone (Tajul went to meet him at teh tarik), seems that he is deep trouble. He is doing the freelance accounts works, since for the last 2 years but...
If not mistaken I heard his wife jahit and jual sarung bantal (sorry if mistaken).
He is in real desparado and willing to take up any job by tonite.
He said Utara members memang dok tolong dia especially Tajul dah jadi 'Along' tak berlesen kepada dia.
So Thank you Meor for chip in. So everybody can transfer via the following account:
Tajul... awat lu tak announce mlm dinner least, boleh gak kita buat collection mlm tu...anyway kita akan usahakan apa yg termampu...
dlm bab kerja ni..kita tak boleh nak memilih sgt, maklum le umur dah grab je apa yg dpt...Hidup mesti diteruskan...sampaikan salam wa pd Zul Sakit...
Tajul... Baru wa ingat...Branch Mgr Bank Muamalat Butterworth tu..junior kita..Rosli Mahmud (DIA), cuba suruh Zul jumpa dia, minta tlg dia recommend utk jadi Sales Exec...sebab branch tu Muamalat Auto Centre (MAC), Zul dulu kerja ngan car dealer kan? Why not suruh dia try jumpa Rosli tu..
Dekat Btwh gak, adalah Collection Centre utk Northern Region...cuba-cuba le minta tlg Rosli recommend kan..
Terimakasih atas perihatin kengkawan... saya dah jadi teman untuk berbual & tempat untuk bercerita untuk lepaskan tension...Bayangkan ada ketikanya Zul talipon " nak bubuh minyak motor pun tak de duit"..."ada 20sen aje dalm poket"..."anak nak sekolah" dan yang lebih menyedihkan "anak-anak aku belum makan lagi". Itulah luahan Zul pada saya yang saya rasa dia tak pernah ceritakan kesusahannya pada kengkawan yang lain.Harapan saya dapatlah kita sama-sama menolong. Saya akan dapatkan nombor akaun Zul agar dapat memudahkan kita terus masukkan kedalam akaun beliau.
A'kum semua... Satu usaha yg murni iniciated by xmanjung members. Let's support by all means... Hidup ni ibarat roda, sesekali di atas, sesekali di tngh n jgn lupa kita juga blh berada di bwh!!!...
Ni akaun Zulkifli Md Yunus CIMB 07160007595526 H/phone 019-5070077 (temporary je tak tau sampai bila) Tuan Mat Ros tlg sms amount (senang nak record) to 012-5551093 atau emails
Teman ingat mike terpaksa browse setiap tajuk untuk tengok komen untuk setiap tajuk, betul tak? Sebab itu terasa banyak.
Sebenarnya untuk bulan June, ada 5 tajuk jer, bukan 50. Tak banyak tu...:-), mungkin MatG berhalunisasi (sebab komen ni dihantar pukul 1.00am..he.he.emmm)
MatG or anybody, give me your email, so that I can invite you to subscribe to Xmanjung blog. Any comment or posting made by other members will be automatically copied to your email.
The next Reunion insyallah akan diadakan 2 3 tahun lagi. Maybe in 2010. Macam mana kalau we do a saving from now for the next Reunion. We appoint someone as Bendahari. Every month we pay to the Bendahari say at least RM10.00 per month.
Bila the next Reunion dah nak diadakan we do not worry because fund kita dah ada. Kalau tak cukup pun kita perlu tambah sikit aja.
Not mcm last Reunion, walaupun kita ada 4 5 bulan maybe a few dari kita tak dapat spend utk reunion tu. So dgn kita mula menabung dari awal kita boleh buat persediaan dari awal for the next Reunion. Bolehlah kita bawa our family sekali kerana fund kita cukup. Tak lah jadi mcm last Reunion... datang solo aja...
kepada asyraf,aku dah bagi emel address, nothing masuk , dah register ke belum?
for me i lebih prefer pegi solo bukan apa, yg bawak famili semua kisahkan anak-anak, bila nak reunionnya. kalau nak kenal dgn famili saya rasa ada acara lain yg lebih sesuai, jemput kenduri ke dsb
MatG, engko baru register gmail account kut. Apa email address Gmail? Aku ada invite engko punya yahoo email.
U need to register to the blog invitation sent via ur email (tak kisah mail address ape-ape pun bole). Only then you can received blog update via email.
MatG, Zul ucapkan terimakasih diatas sumbangan engko yang begitu bermakna buat keluarganya.
Our recent grand reunion was indeed a grand one. After the last meeting, today is the only opportunity tht I hve to browse thru our blog. Allow me to thnk to those who gave their enormous efforts to make sure the reunion concluded successfully. To me, it was a huge opportunity that seldom came in our lives, experienced by many, to reunite with long lost friends..., some we didn't even remember their faces. By the end of this year, the youngest of us will be 40 of age. None would know whether we have another chance to meet again in the nxt reunion. Let us pray to the Almighty that we will be able to reach that time and hopefully, more familiar faces will be able to attend to make the nxt one even grandeur. To Allah we pray, may our future will be better than today. To all bros and sisters, thx for accepting me the way I am.
We plan to have Bar-be-que session some where before 31st August 2007..all are invited and preferably the session does not involve family members (Kids)...Its only a 1 full night session ( chit chatting, masak, tafakur, bersila & bla bla bla ) Venue, either Ipoh or Penang...Those interested pls register..TQ
Salam untuk Cair-man, Gee-baa-ouk (mike ni adik-ipar pada Jinbara-auk ke?) and the gang,
Cair-man, Count me in, if the participations are overwhelming though..
Gee-baa-ouk, I'm praying to Allah the Almighty all these years for the benefit and glorious to all our parents, families, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbours and all the moslems before us, now and future in particular. Always pray for His mercy to protect our body and soul from being corrupted and harmed by the unscrupulous and double-headed SMF people...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
Well, The Grand Reunion was indeed GRAND! It was the biggest and grandest of the 3 reunions held so far (the inaugural was at Seri Malaysia, Ipoh before the new millenium and the 2nd was at Cinta Sayang Resort, Sungai Petani, Kedah in 2003, mostly attended by males only (that was then Tuan Mat Ros's talent was "discovered"!)
Congratulations to the organising committee and without your tireless effort, it would never have happened..Hope that we can repeat the event again, maybe once every 2-3 years and see each other..
Anyway, the highlights of the Reunion (to me at least..)
1)Futsal game in the evening-pity Meor Palam and Ustaz Suwardi weren't around..
2)Dinner-delicious! Moreover, most people were already hugry like a wolf (with the exception of Rosaidi...hungry like an elephant..)
3) Karaoke..Tak sangka Jay Boroi berbakat besar (Tapi sorila Jay, Akademi Fantasia participant only limited to those below 30...)
4) usual,a latecomer!! Pssst, he himself asked Chairman to annouce "Atas permintaan ramai..." Another thing, X7 forgot to give a short speech to thanked us for making him popular & famous in the blog..
5) Mr & Miss Maintain..X7 have a chance to win in the next Reunion as the candidate must be 'maintain' from current Reunion..So, don't go for a diet...
Salam semua,
Teman rasa terharu jugak bila dapat berjumpa member2 lama yang jarang2 sekali berhubung....
Rasanya masa perjumpaan begitu pendek dan agak terlalu terhad untuk berkenal mesra dan bertanya khabar perkembangan dan perjalanan hidup yang hanya baru lanjut selama 20 tahun.
Teman berharap kita dapat teruskan aktiviti2 yang sihat ini dengan beberapa cadangan baru dan budget yang lebih selesa.
Kepada AJK ReUNION 2007 dan backbenchers,
SJ - You Rock!
Samdol - I also love all the girls too.
Ashraf - bila boleh belajo pukulan ceduk?
Meor G – ada tokoh politician.
Norlis, Salmah Yahya & Shidah - taun depan boleh ikut teman lagi.
SAC Mat Rose – forensic accounting mike mana?
Bond - bole le sponsor tempat kenduri kawin pulak!
Yati (Towkey N. Lemak) - memang sedap sehingga menjilat jari!
Dan pada member2 yang hidup & hadir...... WA CAYA SAMA LU, beb!
rais, dah cukup korum tu 1 + 3(norlis, salmah & shida)
congratulations kat ajk yang organise reunion, hopefully the next one must be grandieur and suggest that to arrange a 3D and 2N stay
to chu & family, congrats sebab bakat terpendam semua tercurah malam tu
hopefully all those who did not manage to attend the grand reunion especially girls, please do join us if the reunion are to be held again somewhere in 2-3 years time
ashraf kalau ada gambar yang lain upload le lagi, this blog has been sort of like a diary and album cos its really ease us from our work pressure
Untuk X-7...congratulations...PENCINTA WANITA.....tak dak dah Jejaka Idaman
Teman dah bagi tau Norlis, tapi dia kena tunggu teman jadi millionaire dulu.
Sekarang ni teman nak join contest mana tau rezeki bole jadi millionaire dan boleh kawin lagiiii...!!!
Apakata kalo kita semua join:
Thank you and congratulation to the organising committee. Tanpa usaha U all GRAND Reunion ni tak kan berjaya. Anyway, memang tak cukup 1 hari berjumpa.
To Leez,
Rezeki nak jadi millionair jangan ditolak....
To Ani,
Tahniah.... tak payah berdiet, boleh kurus.
Assalamua'laikum semua,
Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar. Tapi letih dia sampai hari ni terasa, walau macamanapun masih tersenyum sebab semua geng dapat enjoy walaupun dalam kesuntukan masa. Insya Allah the next reunion kita plan more than a day dan dengan budget yang lebih sempurna.
Kalau ada terkurang sana dan sini jutaan kemaafan dipohon dan dijadikan panduan for the next reunion.
Try to get those yang we didn't manage to contact yet and war-war lah kepada mereka tentang kehadiran blog ini.
Soon we will rearrange this blog and fully utilise for whatever purpose deems fit.
testing 123
assalamualaikum wbt 2 all..
Congratulations to all of us 4 making it happen.
Chik u r right, 3D2N baru ok.
To chik & fisah - amboi2
Rais - bila kita nak crack our head 4 d slogan
X7 - x nak jadi millionaire gak ke?
Are Lee - Awat u tak habaq kat i pasai reunion kat SP.
Ada cue dari Norlis tu.....Kan hang pencinta wanita...
dengaq cerita ada juga guys yang masih solo, chik nak padan-padankan, tolong bina masjid. Yang solo 3 atau 2, kena ada wawasan jadi milionare dulu le macam rais, cepat join contest 1 juta as suggested by him !! leez ok le tu !!
A'kum semua...
To penganjur/urusetia Grand Reunion, thanks so much for yr great effort n most happening reunion so far.
To sdr Ashraf (blog organiser), yr iniciative r so great.
To all friends, yr contributions towards this occasion r much appreciated n keep it up for our next reunion....
Last but not least, ampun n maaf sekiranya trkasar prbuatan n kata2 yg kurang mnyenangkan. Smoga silaturrahim kita akan brpnjangan n dirahmati Allah swt.
Those who have problems regarding commercial crime cases such as cheating, CBT, loan-shark (along), pyramid scheme, etc, pls do contact me, or maybe we can share it among our friends.
Amboi2..mengkome ni pase nak mengenen memang le hande yek!
Pase millionaire ni, teman la ni tengah dok pikio slogan...siang malam.
Chik & Norlis - kalo teman jadi millionaire, teman tapau semua sekali ... berjihad weh!
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Congrats. to all yg attended the grand is indeed an opportunity to jumpa balik after all these years..semestinya banyak perubahan..tak kurang juga yang masih maintained..kudos pada organising comm. yang banyak berkorban ( masa dan bil telefon utk calling2 macam mr. chairman sebut )
Turnout from the boys oustanding...our girls ajer yang kurang time hopefully ada improvement..Everybody enjoyed themselves..
Teman sokong sgt diadakan reunion 2-3 thn sekali. Tptnya, biarlah brlainan. Kpd yg langsung xde masa nk attend tu, fkr lah balik effort yg ditunjukkan oleh committee. Solute to them....
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Tahniah & Syabas untuk semua yg menjayakan reunion kali ini...Dalam masa kita bergembira, ada juga kengkawan yg kurang bernasib baik..dah hampir 2 tahun tak bekerja (Zul Sakit)..H/phone pun dah tak ade..Semalam dia ada talipon bertanyakan khabar kengkawan yg datang reunion...dan pesannye "kalau ada kerja kosong bagitau lah dia"..Untuk hubungi Zul, bolehlah contact saya...HULURKAN BANTUAN, RINGANKAN BEBAN....
Terimakasih diatas makluman mengenai Zul Sakit.
Inilah diantara lain tujuannya blog ni kita adakan, supaya kawan-kawan dapat kita tahu perkembangannya.
Hari ni hari dia, besok hari siapa belum tahu lagi, itulah hari-hari yang digilirkan.
Rasanya ada kerja untuk dia, macamana nak communicate? Dia nak kerja tak kat Marang atau Jerantut atau KL?
Kat tempat Meor pun ada..
Satu lagi, sape yang tahu Autocad, 2 years experience, immediate job at MIMOS 1 year contract. Call me asap..., tapi bayar sikit kat XMF.He.he.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
kali ni Reunion xmanjung mmg menakjubkan! & boleh dikatakan semperona le sangaaat... tp kalo lbh ramai yg hadir lg terangkat!!! chu ada satu cadangan, apa kata kalo kita buat trip melancong ke Indonesia ke Bangkok atau Langkawi setidak2nya amacam?
Nasya........chu dah tengok gambor tu cayalah.....!!!
Already spoken to Tajul.
Zul and his wife tak de pekerjaan tetap buat masa ni.
Menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk bantu apa yang termampu.
Apa kata kita collect RM10/ seorang Sapa nak bagi lebih, dipersilakan. Tajul, give us your Account No., preferably Maybank.
For her wife I would suggest somebody get in touch with Yati so that she can learn with Yati how to jual nasi lemak (cadangan) as a temporary mean of income.
51:19 And in their wealth and possessions (they do remember) the right of the (needy,) him who asked, and him who (for some reason) was prevented (from asking).
Chu...cerita pase melancung nih!! orong gomen boleh le..gaji nak naik bulan Julai..
Tajul..saya rasa orang belah utara yang dekat dengan Zul Sakit boleh le tolong-tolong tengokkan welfare dia & family ..Sham Nana, Hang (Tajul), Tok Lee, Bad, Jay, Shamsuri, Shaikh, Penakan dan lain-lain..Myself setuju dgn cadangan saudara ashraf..for the starts RM50 from me ...let we have Zul Sakit account number ASAP..
I've spoken to Zul using Tajul phone (Tajul went to meet him at teh tarik), seems that he is deep trouble. He is doing the freelance accounts works, since for the last 2 years but...
If not mistaken I heard his wife jahit and jual sarung bantal (sorry if mistaken).
He is in real desparado and willing to take up any job by tonite.
He said Utara members memang dok tolong dia especially Tajul dah jadi 'Along' tak berlesen kepada dia.
So Thank you Meor for chip in. So everybody can transfer via the following account:
MBB - Waheeda bt Abdul Halim (Tajul Wife) - 107116056320
RHB - Tajul Ariffin - 10702800136513.
Tajul will update the collection amount I guess.
Di atas kemurahan sdr, diucapkan jazakallahukhairan kasira.
awat lu tak announce mlm dinner least, boleh gak kita buat collection mlm tu...anyway kita akan usahakan apa yg termampu...
dlm bab kerja ni..kita tak boleh nak memilih sgt, maklum le umur dah grab je apa yg dpt...Hidup mesti diteruskan...sampaikan salam wa pd Zul Sakit...
Baru wa ingat...Branch Mgr Bank Muamalat Butterworth tu..junior kita..Rosli Mahmud (DIA), cuba suruh Zul jumpa dia, minta tlg dia recommend utk jadi Sales Exec...sebab branch tu Muamalat Auto Centre (MAC), Zul dulu kerja ngan car dealer kan? Why not suruh dia try jumpa Rosli tu..
Dekat Btwh gak, adalah Collection Centre utk Northern Region...cuba-cuba le minta tlg Rosli recommend kan..
I believe there are lot of jobs in Penang. Seperti kata Ajib, tak leh memilih sangat atau nak maintain status quo.
Jadi Petrol Station Pump Attendant atau kerja kontrak pun takpe sebenarnya kalu kita perlu survive untuk sementara waktu.
What we need is a guts to move on despite whatever calamities we are facing.
In such situation, Xmanjung network are there to provide advise, counsel and assistance.
Terimakasih atas perihatin kengkawan... saya dah jadi teman untuk berbual & tempat untuk bercerita untuk lepaskan tension...Bayangkan ada ketikanya Zul talipon " nak bubuh minyak motor pun tak de duit"..."ada 20sen aje dalm poket"..."anak nak sekolah" dan yang lebih menyedihkan "anak-anak aku belum makan lagi". Itulah luahan Zul pada saya yang saya rasa dia tak pernah ceritakan kesusahannya pada kengkawan yang lain.Harapan saya dapatlah kita sama-sama menolong. Saya akan dapatkan nombor akaun Zul agar dapat memudahkan kita terus masukkan kedalam akaun beliau.
A'kum semua...
Satu usaha yg murni iniciated by xmanjung members. Let's support by all means... Hidup ni ibarat roda, sesekali di atas, sesekali di tngh n jgn lupa kita juga blh berada di bwh!!!...
Tajul..Get the Zul Sakit account no ASAP..Myself eveready to help.
I've already bank-in ckit ke a/c isteri Tajul (MBB) for Zul Sakit thru
Ni akaun Zulkifli Md Yunus
CIMB 07160007595526
H/phone 019-5070077 (temporary je tak tau sampai bila)
Tuan Mat Ros tlg sms amount (senang nak record) to 012-5551093 atau emails
Tahniah semua,walaupun aku tak sempat jumpa semua yg hadir, tapi aku rasa seronok kerana sempat jugak menghadirkan diri.
tak byk posting sekarang, kata nak teruskan blog, takkan moderator je yg bercakap byk.
kepada Asyraf, takboleh ke kurangkan tajuk...byk sgt la
Teman ingat mike terpaksa browse setiap tajuk untuk tengok komen untuk setiap tajuk, betul tak? Sebab itu terasa banyak.
Sebenarnya untuk bulan June, ada 5 tajuk jer, bukan 50. Tak banyak tu...:-), mungkin MatG berhalunisasi (sebab komen ni dihantar pukul 1.00am..he.he.emmm)
MatG or anybody, give me your email, so that I can invite you to subscribe to Xmanjung blog. Any comment or posting made by other members will be automatically copied to your email.
5 tu byk le..cikgu aku ajor lebih dari 1 kira byk le.
Jgn le kata berkhayal..ckple qiamulail sedap bunyinya.
anyway my emel is
kepada DEE, hang invite aku masuk gmail, besar sikit storagenya
Tajoi a.k.a Along,
Tangan yang menghulur lebih baik dari tangan yang menerima.
Sampaikan salam dan sumbangan teman pada Zul Sakit nanti.
Teman akan direct credit ke CIMB beliau, insyaallah.
The next Reunion insyallah akan diadakan 2 3 tahun lagi. Maybe in 2010. Macam mana kalau we do a saving from now for the next Reunion. We appoint someone as Bendahari. Every month we pay to the Bendahari say at least RM10.00 per month.
Bila the next Reunion dah nak diadakan we do not worry because fund kita dah ada. Kalau tak cukup pun kita perlu tambah sikit aja.
Not mcm last Reunion, walaupun kita ada 4 5 bulan maybe a few dari kita tak dapat spend utk reunion tu. So dgn kita mula menabung dari awal kita boleh buat persediaan dari awal for the next Reunion. Bolehlah kita bawa our family sekali kerana fund kita cukup. Tak lah jadi mcm last Reunion... datang solo aja...
This is just my suggestion...
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms An-ony-mous..
Idea like people who have IQ above 138...However, the problem is not really financial...from our post mortem..the factors are :-
1. Time constraints.
2. Inferiority complex.
3. Family problem
4. Sendiri pun ada problem
5. Masalah rambut, bentuk badan
5. Bla..bla..bla..bla..bla
kepada asyraf,aku dah bagi emel address, nothing masuk , dah register ke belum?
for me i lebih prefer pegi solo bukan apa, yg bawak famili semua kisahkan anak-anak, bila nak reunionnya.
kalau nak kenal dgn famili saya rasa ada acara lain yg lebih sesuai, jemput kenduri ke dsb
MatG, engko baru register gmail account kut. Apa email address Gmail? Aku ada invite engko punya yahoo email.
U need to register to the blog invitation sent via ur email (tak kisah mail address ape-ape pun bole). Only then you can received blog update via email.
MatG, Zul ucapkan terimakasih diatas sumbangan engko yang begitu bermakna buat keluarganya.
Di mana yop-yop & yong-yong semua? Sunyi sepi je blog ni...
kepada zul
semoga tabah menghadapi hari-hari mendatang. Naper semua jadi pemerhati je... masuk le oi
dari mat G
Kami tunggu X7 masuk,baru ada idea
Kami tunggu X7 masuk,baru ada idea
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatuLLah
Our recent grand reunion was indeed a grand one. After the last meeting, today is the only opportunity tht I hve to browse thru our blog. Allow me to thnk to those who gave their enormous efforts to make sure the reunion concluded successfully. To me, it was a huge opportunity that seldom came in our lives, experienced by many, to reunite with long lost friends..., some we didn't even remember their faces. By the end of this year, the youngest of us will be 40 of age. None would know whether we have another chance to meet again in the nxt reunion. Let us pray to the Almighty that we will be able to reach that time and hopefully, more familiar faces will be able to attend to make the nxt one even grandeur. To Allah we pray, may our future will be better than today. To all bros and sisters, thx for accepting me the way I am.
Pehhhhh...!! Touching, touching.
Dear Guys..
We plan to have Bar-be-que session some where before 31st August 2007..all are invited and preferably the session does not involve family members (Kids)...Its only a 1 full night session ( chit chatting, masak, tafakur, bersila & bla bla bla ) Venue, either Ipoh or Penang...Those interested pls register..TQ
Salam untuk Cair-man, Gee-baa-ouk (mike ni adik-ipar pada Jinbara-auk ke?) and the gang,
Count me in, if the participations are overwhelming though..
I'm praying to Allah the Almighty all these years for the benefit and glorious to all our parents, families, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbours and all the moslems before us, now and future in particular. Always pray for His mercy to protect our body and soul from being corrupted and harmed by the unscrupulous and double-headed SMF people...
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