Thursday, December 18, 2008


Mr Chairman said...

Guys..why not we try to arranged "Super Mega Reunion" for ITM Manjung 1985 & 1986 intake for all course (DIA,DIB,DBS,DPA & SS) sure havoc & nostalgic...make it happen in 2009...

December 12, 2008 11:57 AM


Husni Zaim
Sheikh Rahim


1 Abdul Rahim Kodim 013-5965212
2 Ahamad 016-3603427
3 Amir Hamzah Jauhari 019-5105067
4 Ashraf 019-2290055
5 Azizi Ghazali 012-5170800
6 Azizul Rahman Ghazali 012-3995603
7 Azulia Tajul Arus 012-9181240
8 Badrul Hisham (Bad) 012-4098596
9 Badrol Hisham (Bai) 019-5774139
10 Bond (Rusida) 012-9013430
11 Faizal Amran 019-9857158
12 Haslina 013-6800080
13 Jafry Omar 019-4786435
14 Kamal Baharin 019-5589544
15 Khairul Azzudin (Jazz) 019-5597892
16 Khairul (Yo) 019-3289595
17 Khairani Khairuddin 012-2068865
18 Maizura Meor Zawawi 012-5052370
19 Masmawati 013-5105584
20 Mat Rosni Lazim 012-4593652
21 Mior Amiruddin 016-5682054
22 Mior Azhar 012-5226996
23 Mior Rozali 019-2315675
24 Mohd Ali Ghazali 019-4809020
25 Mohd Razif Mufti (Ajeeb) 012-2692401
26 Nafisah Musa 013-5818991
27 Norashidah 012-6303224
28 Norazhar Ibrahim (X7) 019-5726476
29 Norlis 012-3135668
30 Rais Mutalib 019-3230388
31 Rogayah 012-2329925
32 Rohani Hashim 012-3970910
33 Roslelawati Md Zin 012-5443814
34 Rosaidi 012-6802936
35 Rosilawati Mustafa 012-5201402
36 Rosli Husin (Tok Lee) 017-4865300
37 Rosliza Jaafar 016-6290267
38 Rozwa 013- 5299411
39 Ruslan (Penakan) 019-5625462
40 Saiful 017-5969515
41 Salamah Jan 012-3217515
42 Salmah Yahya 012-3791086
43 Shahidan 013-4336474
44 Sharifah Mashirah 019-4784624
45 Shamsuddin (Nana) 012-4432649
46 Shamsul Johari 016-6227937
47 Shamsuri Musa 017-4284420
48 Sheikh Mohd Nasir 016-4003458
49 Suhaimi Mat Isa 012-4719427
50 Sulaiman Ariffin 012-3897032
51 Syed Amir Syed Lope 012-3507949
52 Tajul Arifin Mustafa 012-5551093
53 Yati Idris 012-4227658
54 Zaki 012-3393340
55 Zaliana Zainuddin 016-2303596
56 Zamri Bakar 012-5267844
57 Zarinah Dan 012-3861617
58 Zainuddin Zakaria 016-5469168
59 Zulkifli Bahadun 019-4440190
60 Zulkifli Shafie (Aji) 012-4132616
61 Zulkifli Mohd Yunus 012-5336533

No contact
1 Rosnah
2 Wardati
3 Salma Taib
4 Ruhiyati
5 Sarimah
6 Salmi
7 Zakiah
8 Noraini Omar
9 Rudzwati
10 Akma
11 Kwn Akma
12 Specky girl (Sori tak tau nama)
13 Anuar Mursyadad
14 Azman Hashim

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Tahniah kepada Dama dan Ajeeb kerana telah menjayakan misi jejak kasih. Mana gambar ustaz Suwardi Yop?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Perkhemahan di Manjung/Lumut/Pangkor

Bagi mengembalikan nostalgila ke lebih 20 tahun lampau, DAMA mencadangkan aktiviti perkhemahan.

Sila hantar komen terhadap cadangan ini.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya 2008 (Tapi jangan raya sakan!)

Dukacitanya dimaklumkan Hari Raya "Sakan" tak jadi tahun ni sebab keadaan ekonomi yang tidak menentu. Institusi Kewangan yang bankrup seperti Lehman, Meryll dan AIG yang cuba diselamatkan oleh Federal Reserve hanyalah "intro" atau ombak kecil kepada tsunami yang bakal melanda.

Tsunami sebenar akan melanda sedikit masa lagi. Dijangka tidak kurang 10 Trillion dollar US nilai pasaran di Amerika Sharikat akan hangus. Untuk memahami lebih lanjut situasi ekonomi US, sila baca Global Financial Meltdown oleh Michel Chossudovsky, 18 Sept 2008.

Memandangkan Pasaran US adalah pelanggan utama kepada industri eksport Malaysia, kesannya akan dirasai juga apabila banyak firma-firma di US tidak lagi mampu membeli barangan Malaysia.

Walaubagaimanapun jangan bersedih sebab sekarang tengah mode raya. Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Download lagu raya

1. Sanisah Huri - Bersabarlah Sayang
2. Sanisah Huri - AidilFitri
3. Raihan, Rem, Ajai & Now See Heart - Lebaran Ini
4. S Jibeng - Musafir Di Hari Raya

5. Saloma - Aidilfitri Hari Mulia
6. Saloma - Manusia Miskin Kaya
7. Saloma - Selamat Hari Raya

8. Sanisah Huri - Selamat Hari Raya
9. Senario - Behari Raya
10. Sharifah Aini - Suasana Hari Raya
11. Sheila Majid - Hari Mulia
12. Spider - Rindu Raya

13. Spider - Satu Hari Di Hari Raya
14. Sudirman - Dari Jauh Ku Pohon Maaf
15. Sudirman - Selamat Hari Raya16
16. Sweet September - Hari Raya Tetap Tiba
17. Syarifah Aini - selamat hari raya

18. Takbir Hari Raya
19. Toy’s - Inilah Harinya
20. Ujang - Syahdu Di Pagi Raya

21. Uji Rashid - Doa Di Hari Mulia
22. Uji Rashid & Hail Amir - Seloka Hari Raya

23. Utama - Riang Ria Di Hari Raya
24. Wings - Hari Raya Yang Mulia
25. Wings - Keroncong Hari Raya

26. Zaiton Sameon - Lebaran Yang Mulia
27. Zalifah Ibrahim & M Shariff - Hari Raya

28. Zamani - Takbir Memecah Hening
29. Zamani Slam - Suasana Hari Raya




Ahmad Jais - Dari Jauh Kupohon Maaf
Ahmad Jais - Satu Syawal
Aishah - pulanglah
Aishah - Setitis Cahaya di Aidilfitri
Ajai - Rindu Di Aidil Fitri
Al Jawaher - Ku Pohon Restu Ayah Dan Bonda
Al Jawaher - Mohon Padanya Sujud Padanya
Al Jawaher - Selamat Hari Raya

Al Mizan - Rahmat Aidilfitri
Al Mizan - Selamat Berhari Raya

Al Mizan - Tanganku Hulur Maaf Kupinta
Aman Shah - Kepulangan Anakmu
Amir - Iktibar Ramadhan
Amy Mastura - Setahun Sekali
Anuar & Ellina - Suasana Hari Raya

Artis Artis - Gembira Di Hari Raya
Artis Campuran - Nikmat Hari Raya
Asha Malik - Pulang Di Hari Raya
Balik Kampung - KerepeK
Awie - Selamat Hari Raya

Black Dog Bone - Cahaya Di Hari Raya
Black Dog Bone - Cahaya Aidilfitri
Cenderawasih - Bersama Di Hari Raya

DJ.Dave - menjelang hari raya
Fazidah Joned - Selamat hari Raya
Firdaus - miskin kaya
Hair amir dan Uji Rasih seloka hari raya

Handy Black - Cahaya Di Aidil Fitri
Hasnol - Lebaran Walfa’izin
Herman Tino & Zaleha Hamid - Joget Hari Raya

Jamal Abdillah - Maafkan Segala Keterlanjuran Dia
Jay Jay - Hari Raya Bahagia
Jeffry Din - Musafir Di Aidil Fitri
Khairil Johari Johar - Sepasang Kurung Biru
Krisya - Satu Hari Di Hari Raya

Lan Pet Pet, Zakiah Anas - Alahai Lemang Ku
Lefthanded - Keinsafan Di Hari Raya

M.Nasir - satu hari dihari raya
Malek Ridzuan - Ewa Ewa Hari Raya
Man Bai & Raihan - Harapan Ramadhan
Noorkumalasari - Pulang Di Hari Raya

Noorkumalasari - Raya
Nora - Suasana Aidil Fitri
Nurul - Rindu Syahdu Di Hari Raya

P.Ramlee - Dendang Perantau
Rafeah Buang - Bila Takbir Bergema
Rafeah Buang - Selamat Hari Raya

Rahimah Rahim - Selamat Berhari Raya
Raihan & Now See Heart - Hari Raya Untuk Semua
Raihan & Now See Heart - Satu Pagi Di Hari Raya



*Selamat berhibur dan mendownload lagu raya…

Monday, September 8, 2008

Siapa kaum pendatang di Tanah Melayu ?

"DNA Cina yang mengalir dalam diri teman pula terlalu menonjol sehingga teman kerapkali disapa oleh Orang Cina lain dengan bahasa Mandarin atau Kantonis. Adik teman pula disangka sebagai orang Arab. Salah seorang lagi adik dianggap sebagai Fillipino. Kita orang adik beradik memiliki kepelbagaian wajah akibat dari koktel DNA yang bertaraf antarabangsa. Sebagai bekas graduan ITM bumiputera yang berdarah campuran Cina, Arab dan Indonesia, isu perkauman dinegara ini tidak perlu dimainkan secara melampau oleh pengganas politik."

Mohamed Ashraf Abdul Munim
7 September 2008

Antara yang hangat di perkatakan media ialah kenyataan Dato' Ahmad Ismail, Ketua Bahagian UMNO Bukit Bendera mengenai status Orang Cina sebagai pendatang (squatters). Beliau menegaskan bahawa kenyataan beliau telah dipetik luar konteks ucapan beliau yang asal oleh wartawan akhbar berbahasa Cina dan beliau tidak bermaksud "racist"..

UiTM juga baru-baru ini digemparkan dengan isu perkauman dengan cadangan MB Selangor agar UiTM membuka 10% penyertaan kepada kaum lain untuk kursus-kursus peringkat post graduate bagi menggalakkan dan meningkatkan kredibiliti UiTM untuk terus bersaing sebagai sebuah universiti yang akan melangkah ke abad baru.

Cadangan tersebut disanggah pantas oleh kebanyakan orang Melayu. UiTM menurut VC Prof Ibrahim Abu Shah, sebagai "last bastion for the Malays" (kubu terakhir orang Melayu) di Malaysia. Ribuan pelajar menunjuk perasaan sebagai tanda protes kepada cadangan MB Selangor.

Sebagai alumni ITM (UiTM) dan Xmanjung sebagai salah satu platform diskusi maya, rasanya adalah wajar kita berbincang mengenai isu-isu seperti ini supaya kita mempunyai sikap yang yang lebih tepat dan bijaksana. Ini penting supaya pendirian-pendirian kita mempunyai asas dan tidak sekadar terikut-ikut dengan sentimen politik tidak kira kerajaan maupun pembangkang yang mempunyai kepentingan politik masing-masing.

Peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei pasti akan berulang sekiranya kita tidak memainkan peranan sebagai pendamai (peacemaker). Biarlah ahli-ahli Xmanjung mempunyai tahap kematangan yang tinggi dalam isu ini supaya kita boleh menjadi agen pendamai dan bukannya menjadi "batu api" secara tidak disedari.

Ini selaras dengan pengertian Islam yang membawa maksud "Keamanan" (Peace), Sejahtera, Penyerahan. Assalamualaikum bermaksud "Peace be Upon You". Muslim pula membawa konotasi "Peacemaker" atau pendamai. Peranan sebagai Peacemaker ini sewajarnya dikembangkan oleh alumni ITM kerana sememangnya kita adalah Muslim (Peacemaker).


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Best 51 Freeware Selection

The Ultimate Freeware
Al-Quran for Windows

The List

AMP Font Viewer 1. AMP Font Viewer - Font manager, view, install, uninstall, organize your fonts. an interesting feature is that you can "test" fonts before deciding to install them.

Ant Movie Catalog 2. Ant Movie Catalog - A very important program for me, as I have more than 2500 movies in my collection. Although it has no official support anymore it still is the best movie collection manager, even if it doesn't look as good as most competitors. It's an open source program, maybe someone will take the source code and make it better.

Any Audio Converter 3. Any Audio Converter - The name says everything, it converts audio files, WMV, MP4, WAV, WMA, OGG, AAC, MP3, M4A, MP2, etc. The interesting feature is that it can extract the audio track from video files such as AVI, MPEG, MP4, WMV, ASF.

Audacity 4. Audacity - Open source audio editing and recording program, the best free on you can get. It is very easy to use and works on Mac OSX and Linux too.

avast 5. Avast! - The home edition is a free antivirus solution, provides resident real time protection, basic antispyware protection and doesn't take to much memory while running in the background (a lot less than BitDefender, that's for sure).

CamStudio 6. CamStudio - Free screen session recorder, can record audio too, records to avi or swf files.

CCCP 7. Combined Community Codec Pack (CCCP) - Essential codec pack, no spyware, Media Player Classic included.

CCleaner 8. CCleaner - Great freeware program, a registry cleaner, disk cleaner and software uninstaller. Can also manage your startup programs.

CodecInstaller 9. CodecInstaller - Analyzes your video or audio files, tell you which codecs are needed, finds codecs, installs or unistalls codecs from your system.

Crystal DiskInfo 10. Crystal DiskInfo - Real time hard disk monitoring utility, provides awesome in depth information about your hard disk drives.

Digsby 11. Digsby - Although it is still in beta it's a very interesting instant messenger client. Supports AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, Jabber, and Facebook Chat Accounts. But the great feature is that it supports multiple e-mail accounts, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail, IMAP, and POP. It is also a great tool for social networking, it supports Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace accounts so far, with more of them coming up.

DriveImage XML 12. DriveImage XML - Great freeware program, you can backup your hard disk data and then restore the image if needed.

DVD Shrink 13. DVD Shrink - This one is a classic, everybody knows it, some people even sell copies of it. A great tool for backing up your video DVDs.

DVD Styler 14. DVD Styler - Free DVD authoring tool, supports PAL and NTSC. Very easy to use, just drag and drop an mpeg file and make your video DVD. You can also make decent menus with it, even with audio. It also has a Linux version.

ExactAudioCopy 15. Exact Audio Copy - Great audio CD ripper, extracts your audio tracks from all kinds of CD and DVD drives are supported (including USB, Firewire, SATA and SCSI drives). Supports many output file formats, including flac through external encoders.

FeedDemon 16. FeedDemon - It wasn't free, now it is! Looks nice, works well and has a bunch of nice features that will make your RSS feeds reading better.

FontNetExplorer 17. FontNetInstaller - This one can help you search for fonts over the internet as it has the best websites indexed and lets you search through them within the program. Doesn't require installation, just unpack and run.

Format Factory 18. Format Factory - Universal transcoder, converts almost any video, audio and graphic file formats. Can also extract DVD Video to avi.

GIMP 19. GIMP - The best freeware alternative to Adobe Photoshop. It's an open source image editor, very powerful and quite stable.

GOM Player 20. GOM Player - The best video player in my opinion, supports almost any video file format and subtitles, solid and nice looking.

Gparted 21. Gparted (Gnome Partition Editor) - Open source partition editor, very powerful, can be used on a bootable CD, USB stick, PXE server and Hard Disk.

IrfanView 22. IrfanView - The best free image viewer, already a classic piece of software. Can open various file formats and also has some basic editing capabilities.

JkDefragGUI 23. JKDefrag GUI - Awesome disk defragmenter, fast and reliable. Can run scheduled defragmentation sessions or run as a screensaver, only defragmenting when your system is idle.

megui 24. MeGUI - Powerful video encoder, supports the best formats and encoders, great tutorials available.

MemTest 25. MemTest - Tiny freeware program that allows you to test your memory from Windows.

Memtest86 26. Memtest86+ - Open source advanced memory diagnostic tool, runs at boot-time from a bootable CD or other media.

MozBackup 27. MozBackup - Great freeware tool, backs up your Firefox ot Thunderbird settings, bookmarks, etc. If something goes wrong you can restore your precious settings in only a few seconds.

Mozilla Firefox 28. Mozilla Firefox - The latest release, Firefox 3, comes with nice improvements, although it seems to use more memory while running. Hopefully that problem will be fixed soon.

Notepad  29. Notepad++ - Powerful open source text editor written in C++, supports a wide range of programming languages, great multi-document and multi-view features.

OpenOffice 30. - This open source package replaces my Microsoft Office installation. Is it as good? I think it's better! You won't have any problems with adjusting to it, the basic features are similar to those in Microsoft Office.

Orbit Downloader 31. Orbit Downloader - Great download manager with the unique feature that allows you to grab video and audio files from websites such as YouTube.

PCInspector FIle Recovery 32. PCInspector File Recovery - Very good data recovery tool, supports all file systems (FAT and NTFS), finds partitions automatically, even if the boot sector or FAT has been erased or damaged.

PDF XChange Viewer 33. PDF XChange Viewer - Very good PDF reader, a lot faster than Adobe Reader. And there's even more: you can convert your PDF files to various file formats, including BMP, JPG, PNG or TIFF. It can be integrated with Firefox or Internet Explorer.

PDFCreator 34. PDFCreator - Very good freeware PDF writer, can create PDF files out of any printable document. It can be installed as standalone or as a server application - install on a single computer and have it available on all the machines in your network.

Quintessential Player 35. Quintessential Player (QCD) - Great audio player, my favorite, highly customizable with the various plugins that are available.

RadarSync 36. RadarSync - Finds driver updates for your hardware, downloads and installs them. Although it's not flawless it's still a very useful tool.

ReNamer 37. ReNamer - Very easy to use drag and drop file renamer, it offers all the standard renaming procedures: prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes, as well as removing contents of brackets, adding number sequences, changing file extensions.

Resize My Pictures 38. Resize My Pictures - Tiny standalone application that allows you to resize pictures very quickly.

Screenshot Captor 39. Screenshot Captor - Great screenshot capture program, lots of capture modes - Multimon (multiple monitors), Desktop, Active Window, Region, Windows Object. Supports multi-monitor and includes editing features for the screenshots.

SIW 40. SIW (System Information for Windows) - Great free system information tool, provides info about the components and software environment in your computer. Also has some interesting extra features like network bandwidth monitoring and password manager.

StarBurn 41. StarBurn - I've been using Nero before. I don't need it anymore, StarBurn is free and pretty good. I've burned several DVDs with it (including DVD video) and it never failed. Supports CD, DVD, HD-DVD and Blu Ray discs.

SUMo 42. SUMo (Software Update Monitoring) - Identifies the software that you have installed in your system and checks the internet for updates. The latest version seems to have corrected most errors, works pretty fine.

SUPERAntispyware 43. SUPERAntiSpyware - The best antispyware solution that you can get for free. It doesn't provide resident protection, but if you just scan your computer with it once a week or so you should be fine.

SweepRAM 44. SweepRAM - Outstanding tiny freeware memory optimizer with an unique approach. What you should do is, after you’ve turned your computer on, and started all applications that will be running all day long (antivirus, etc) run SweepRAM. That way, all running applications will reduce their memory use to the required amount, giving you as much RAM available for your work as possible.

SysTrayMeter 45. SysTrayMeter - Tiny resource meter that sows you the CPU and memory usage. You can easily close it by double clicking on the icon in the system tray.

TUGZip 46. TUGZip - Very good free compression utility, works fine with almost any archive file format, fast and reliable.

TweakUI 47. TweakUI - Free from Microsoft? Well, it's for real :) A must have for any Windows XP user, allows you to tweak the setting you wouldn't have access to normally.

uTorrent 48. uTorrent - Best BitTorrent client, lightweight and reliable. The new version brings better functionality and some new features.

VirtualDub 49. VirtualDub - Legendary open source editing tool, great for cutting and transcoding your video files for best quality avi output.

Wordweb 50. WordWeb - Great free dictionary and thesaurus, I'm already in love with it. It can be used to look up words from almost any program, showing definitions, synonyms and related words. It includes pronunciations and usage examples, has spelling and sounds-like links.

GigaTribe 51. GigaTribe - I use this one for sharing files with my fiends and colleagues. It is easy to configure and perfect for connecting a small group of people. It includes a chat feature, so you can talk to your friends while they download your shared files.

The Conclusion

For the normal PC user, the user that doesn't do highly specialized work on his computer, the freeware alternatives that you can find in this list are more than enough.