Baru jap tadi tengok Malaysia kena 5-1 ngan Cina (ni buka racist aaa..) . Sedih aku tengok...isk..isk
Quoted from http://belacan.wordpress.com/2007/05/04/
by syahid ali @ 9:34 am
Malaysia may have all the Super League, Premier League, Malaysian Cup, FA Cup, or even Tongkat Ali Cup, but the reality is that Malaysian football quality is really on the decline.
We are currently at number 154 on the FIFA / Coca Cola World Rankings, and we lose to minor teams such as Hong Kong easily. Singapore is at number 124, Vietnam is at 140 and Indonesia is at 148. With all the super facilities and stadiums in Malaysia, we can’t even beat Swaziland, Antigua or Guinea in the rankings! Even Benin is at number 107!
Even if you watch the highlights of a local game, many aspects of the game is very poor with empty stadiums (okay, Kedah fans are not included). No wonder Malaysians are watching more English Premier League games or UEFA Champions League matches - a typical Malaysian Football quality / game is BORING. They can’t even pass the ball around well enough.
I hope FAM is doing something about this. We have all the money, infrastructures, coaches and more. With all the above, we should be, at least, below 100 in the rankings.